to babs, with love

Installed in the garden of Sonnenhaus, Arsenal, Vienna (AT) in June 2015 during the exhibition gartenschau. Gartenschau eng; garden show is an event that happens around many corners of the world and is a show where the participants or institutions open their garden to the public view. Awards for the so called best trimmed bush, biggest homegrown pumpkin during these events are common.

“To Babs, with Love” takes inspiration out of garden decorations commonly seen in suburban homes. These decorations are especially popular in Austrian suburbs where the garden is an important part of the suburban culture. The flamingos are based on the classic original Don Featherstone plastic pink flamingo. However, they are produced in scrap metal and coated with spray paint found on the roadside in the arsenal area initially, installed as a pack, the flamingos changed their positions in the garden of Sonnenhaus during the exhibition, allowing them to interact with other artists’ sculptures and installations, as well as the live performances during the vernissage.